Kolkata: Howrah Bridge

 Kolkata: Calcutta Tourist Attractions: Howrah  Scaffold

Tuorist attraction place

Tuorist attraction placeDescription:Howrah Scaffold, situated over the Hoogli Stream in West Bengal, India, is said to be the busiest extension of the world. It got its name attributable to the way that it interfaces the city of Howrah to Calcutta. Hawrah Scaffold in Kolkata, India, additionally known by the name 'Rabindra Setu', was set up in 1874. It remains on two 270 feet high columns. Calcutta Howrah Scaffold is a cantilever truss connect that was built without utilizing any stray pieces. However, prior it had a cable car course, yet by and by, it is serving for the most part as a Street Extension. Howrah connect has got two sister connects likewise, to be specific, Vidyasagar Setu and the Vivekananda Setu that are arranged at various focuses over the hoogly stream.


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