Lal Bagh Greenhouses

The tourist attraction

Lal Bagh Greenhouses 

The tourist attraction

The tourist attraction

The tourist attraction

The tourist attraction

The tourist attraction

The tourist attraction
lal bagh greenhouse

Subtle elements:
Spread more than 240 sections of land, the Lal Bagh greenhouses is a notable professional flowerbed in Bangalore. Initially charged by Haider Ali, the leader of Mysore, the garden was finished by his child Tipu SUltan and in this way is of chronicled centrality. The yearly blossom indicate facilitated in its glass house is exceptionally celebrated and the garden likewise houses India's biggest accumulation of tropical plants. A portion of the trees here are more than 100 years of age. The Lal Bagh Shake, one of the most established shake arrangements on earth, going back to 3,000 million years, is another fascination that pulls in the group.

Opening hours of Lal Bagh Herbal Gardens:Open now

Open all days 08:00 am to 07:00 pm

Passage expense for Going by Lal Bagh Greenhouses

The passage expenses for Lal Bagh Professional flowerbeds is specified beneath. We have recorded the passage expenses for Indians, the section charges for nonnatives, camera charges and different charges if relevant.

Local Grown-up: 10 - 20

Nonnative: 10 - 20

Address: Lalbagh, Mavalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560004, India

Phone: 8026571925

URL for more subtle elements/booking:

Surmised visit length for : 240-300 mins


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