Golden temple in bandorbon

Tourist attraction
Description:The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is known as the Bandarban Golden Temple. It's one of the lovely vacationer spots of Bangladesh. The Golden Temple is the biggest Theravada Buddhist sanctuary with the second biggest Buddha statue in Bangladesh. The Buddha Dhatu jadi situated at Balagata in Bandarban locale. The advanced Architectural plan in brilliant shading is the principle attractive quality of this Temple. So it is known as the Golden Temple. It is the supplication house for the general population of Buddhist in the range. Many individuals even from remote come here to implore.

The common display is the district of the sanctuary heighten all guests. You can without much of a stretch appreciate the regular wonders of Bandarban slope zone. There is a waterfall adjacent. It is open from Really Bandorban is a bidden bumpy heaven far from the racket and clamor of the motorized world. Truly the common setting of this township. The panaromic perspective of Bandorban will charm visitor to expand their stay, To meander around in normal wild of such an uneven locale. This visitor spots of Bangladesh is 4 kilometers far from Bandorban town. The sanctuary is set at the of the slope 60 meters, the slope is around 200 feet high. The development of the Golden Temple was begun in 1995 and finished in 2000. The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is a piece of the Buddhist Circuit visit advanced by the SASEC (South Asia Sub territorial Economic Cooperation) Tourism improvement venture. The sanctuary draws in travelers and guests from all parts of the world. Truly all visitor spots of Bangladesh is extremely decent.


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